Winter Banquet

Thrive’s Annual Fundraising Banquet

The banquet will be February 2024. Watch for additional details in the near future!

6:00-6:30PM Appetizers & Connections
6:30-6:50PM Dinner
7:15-7:35PM- Program
7:35PM End of Event Dessert, Music, & Mingling
Event Details
This event is a celebratory tradition of community and connections, and we look forward to sharing some of the exciting developments from 2023.
Feel free to reach out to us via email at for questions.
The Ballroom at the Holiday Inn
100 Pine Street in Williamsport



Participation, donations, and sponsorships at the Winter Banquet make life changing services possible.  Here are a few stories from this year:


Gloire arrived in the United States in 2016 from the Democratic Republic of Congo.  As a child, he fled seeking safety from imminent danger, and stayed in a refugee camp during most of his teenage years. When he first stepped foot in the airport in the United States, he knew his life would change. With friends that were already in the U.S. supporting him, he was finally able to connect with them and play soccer. To him, the better life he was seeking included basic safety and shelter that would instill the confidence of peace. Thrive had the privilege to meet Gloire a few years ago when he volunteered to help another community member by interpreting from Swahili to English. Gloire was then able to obtain a green card and continue working while finally being able to experience the opportunities his green card opens like applying for citizenship to fully participate in life in America.


Jane grew up in Uganda. She was a victim of human trafficking and ended up in India. Eventually, she was able to escape and fled to the United States, but it took her four years to get here, and even more time separated from her daughter. She values family, and being separated from her daughter made her miserable. She agonized about her daughter’s safety. After seven years of relentless efforts, she was able to reunite with her daughter. In the last few years, she was introduced to Thrive, where she met supportive staff members. Thrive was able to give her hope, make her feel comfortable, and assist with the legal process in bringing her daughter to the US. Now one of the challenges she faces is the language barrier; however, she does not let that stop her from speaking English. In the United States, Jane enjoys working, going to school, and her overall freedom. Currently, she is focusing on continuing her education in nursing and wants to give hope to other refugees, like Thrive did for her.


Thrive has been fortunate to meet and journey with Muna.  Join us for four minutes for the privilege of listening as she shares part of her story.  (Thanks to Josh Mozug for the videography!)

“We need a relief country, to go in- to be a part, to feel that it is our country.”

“Let me do it for him, especially for him.”

Donations make services like these possible.  Partner with Thrive through a donation of any size.  Services impact individuals, families, and our communities in general.  Thanks to Glorie, Jane, and Muna and the many others Thrive serves for making our communities better each day!